Remote entries

  • The contribution is free from third party copyrights
  • The contribution is Freeware, but the Organizing Team is granted the right to put this contribution on a commercial CD-ROM and the like, and also to spread it via the Internet and other public media
  • The contribution does not include a bomb, virus, trojan or otherwise destructive software
  • The Organizing Team is not in any way liable or responsible for the contribution or its contents


As last year, we will officially open the individual artists competitions for remote entries. The following compos are ment by the term "individual artists competitions":

  • All graphics competitions: Modern tools, Oldskool and 4k Executable
  • All music competitions: Loop, Streamed, Tracked Music, Executable and Theme Remix

For the rules that apply for remote entries, please check the general compo rules and the rules page of the respective compo. Additionally to the general and respective compo rules the following rules apply for remote entries:

  1. Remote entries must be delivered by using our special remote entry form only (below). Please, do not send them elsewhere
  2. The deadline for remote entries of all categories is 2010-12-27 12:00:00 (GMT+1) regardless of the deadlines in the party timetable. Submissions handed in afterwards will not be accepted
  3. Since the compo prizes/the prizemoney is paid by party attendants and remote contributors are not paying an entrance fee, we can not give remote contributors any prizes/prizemoney
  4. If preselection has to be applied to an individual artists compo, contributions by party attendants will be privileged and selected in favor of remote entries

© 2010 - Tastatur und Maus e.V.